A child's hand paints a colourful little man with a brush on paper on the desk. You can see the back of the child's head, the painting hand and the motif.

Supervision Staff (m/f/x)

Germany-wide SIS Frankfurt Various
Share this opportunity:

Starting Date

as soon as possible

Your Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Taking care of pupil before school, during the lunch break and after school

Your Profile

  • You have an appropriate pedagogical qualification (Completed training as an educator, Educational assistant, Enrollment in a bachelor‘s or master‘s degree, Career changer who enjoys working with children) and have already gained practical teaching experience.
  • You have good skills of one school language (German/English) and have a good knowledge of the other language.
  • You enjoy supporting children in their development as a whole personality.
  • You are enthusiastic, inspiring and creative.

Our Offer

  • intercultural, familial, innovative and dynamic team
  • regular and varied internal and external continuing education
  • additional employer benefits (e.g. company pension scheme etc.)

We are looking forward to receiving your application in electronic form (incl. CV, cover letter, certificates if applicable) to application.frankfurt@swissinternationalschool.de.

If you have any questions, please contact Aurelio Reyes, Principal of SIS Frankfurt, +49 61 71 88 75 80

SIS Swiss International School is a group of private day schools from kindergarten through to college. The SIS programme is centred on consistent bilingual classroom instruction and peer experience in the national language and English, culminating in national or international university entrance qualifications. Currently about 5.000 students from both local and internationally mobile families attend classes at one of the 19 schools in Switzerland, Germany, Brazil or Italy. SIS is a company of the Klett Group.

SIS Frankfurt

SIS Swiss International School Frankfurt

An den drei Hasen 34-36
61440 Oberursel

+49 (0) 6171 8875 8011 application.frankfurt@swissinternationalschool.de